
Peer Support

Hello everyone

EPSVA members should be aware that we have a EPS Veterans Assistance “Confidential “ Peer Support Group that was initially formed to assist retired  members who may be struggling with personal issues affecting  their day to day lives. While primarily set up for the retired members, the group has since welcomed actively serving member of any emergency services agency in the Edmonton region who are facing similar issues. NO ONE IS TURNED AWAY.


This group now led by retired members Cal Herauf, John Rutledge and Chris Hayden  meets “on a confidential basis “ on  the last Tuesday of every month from 7 PM  to 8 PM at the Edmonton Police Association Building Located at 14220- 112 Avenue. The Edmonton Police Association has graciously  provided a  private and confidential   meeting space in order to accommodate  our group.


The peer support group who are all volunteers have been in existence since 2018 dealing with alcohol, PTSD  or for that matter any other life issue that arise which are affecting folks in their day to day lives.   Cal, John and Chris have collectively in excess of  90 years policing experience and each has faced their own personal struggles with various issues throughout their careers. Each of them have made themselves available on a volunteer basis to help others facing similar life issues .


While the one meeting per month is meant to be the main conduit of contact and assistance;  if and when needed either in between the monthly meetings  or on a time sensitive  issue basis, each of them an be available for a phone call, text message  or 1 on 1 in person meeting, anytime during the day or evening up until  about 11 PM. After 11 PM, their phones may be in silent mode till the next morning  however if that is the case when you have called, please leave a message and whoever you have called will be sure to get back to you first thing  the next morning.  


For further information, feel free to reach out to either Cal, John or Chris.  Our phones are on silent usually after 11 PM but please leave a message and we will get back to you asap.

Peer Support Contacts

Cal Herauf



Chris Hayden



John Rutledge




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